About us
Private limited company "GPIX" was registered in October 7, 2003, in the beginning as G. P. individual enterprise. The company began its activity while trading soft toys from Byelorussia and connecting the mobile telephones of "Bite" network into the network. Though the company leased the premises in "Norfa" supermarket in Lithuanian city of cement employees N. Akmene, where the flow of client is not small, however, small purchase of residents of Akmene district encouraged the head of company to take new searches of business field. In 2005 it was searched for contract work in the constructional objects and resale of them.
Great supply of welding-mounting and constructional works being in the market induced the head to begin to organize the establishment of brigade of qualified welders and bricklayers. In aspect of work the situation in the market was grateful, there was much works but a lack of labour force. While there was the lack of qualified labour force of the Republic of Lithuania, it was begun to interest in the carriage of labour force from Byelorussia, Georgia, later from China.
In April 10, 2006 G. P. individual enterprise was reorganized into UAB "GPIX" and further continued its activity, received the certificates of public institution "Tiuftechnika", which gave a right to perform welding, mounting works of technological pipelines. The technique to perform these works was bought.
Considering market needs the brigade of bricklayers was established, which worked in the sector of construction, field of stonework services.
Two main areas of company's activity was worked and improved: stonework and welding and mounting of technological pipelines in oil, chemical, gas and ship industries.
Now in case of difficult situation in the constructional sector of the Republic of Lithuania the company does not perform stonework, the company works in ship industry while providing welding-mounting services of technological pipelines.
The company envisages extending the activity in the field of energy, i.e. production of electrical energy with the help of wind power-stations, therefore, it began to interest and work in the constructional field of wind power-station park. The managers of company are interested, collect information and work in this field already for five years.
The long-term goals of company - improve recently provided services and build the park of 24 wind power-stations in Akmene district.
The short-term goals of company:
> Extend work searches in other world markets in the field of welding and mounting works of technological pipelines.
> Collect the newest information in the field of wind energy development;
> Work in the field of projection of wind power-station park and look for sponsorship;
> Measure wind speed in the territory envisaged for construction.